| ![]() MIL-M-81260A(AS)
b. To present complete equipment chains and signal flow,
i . e . , acoustic sensors, surface sensors, data handling, etc.
c. To include aircraft locations of all units shown on the
diagram and the appropriate referencing to lower level publications.
d. To show all major signal paths with amplifying notes
included as necessary for a clear understanding of signal flow.
Subsystem Level Diagram. - The subsystem signal flow
diagram (see figure 3) shall be the second phase of troubleshooting and shall
provide fault localization. The diagram shall incorporate the following:
Signal loop through the GSE.
Expansion of portions of system level diagrams where
c. Greater detail of the interface between the expanded
portions of the system diagram.
Retention of the source and termination of the data/
signal flow l
Reference to lower level diagrams and/or publications.
Fault localization information with key test points and
functional decision points highlighted.
Aircraft location of all units.
h. Signal flow amplifying comments, of sentence or short
paragraph length, presented in blocked text format.
i. Associated information on power supply panels and
circuit breaker locations, detailed cable fan-outs, and connector numbering.
Signal nomenclature and titles.
Detail Level Diagram. - The detail signal flow diagram (see
figure 4) shall be the third level and shall be designed to identify the individual
faulty modules or subassemblies within the malfunctioning subsystem. This dia-
gram shall incorporate the following:
Functional signal flow in depth.
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