| ![]() MIL-M-81260A(AS)
b. Retention of minimal references to the source and
termination of the data/signal flow.
c. Expansion of module and submodule signal flow. Mod-
ule data shall be presented to detail functional entities (oscillator, amplifier,
AND gate, OR gate, etc) within the module or submodule. In order to reduce
duplication, expanded module data (see figure 5) may be presented separately
when the same module appears on more than one diagram. When a module
appears more than once on the same diagram, expanded module data may be
shown one time and referenced to the detail for additional applications using the
words "Same as
" (see figure 4).
d. Signal flow data down to detailed signal flow paths iden-
tifying test points, signal nomenclature, connector numbers, pin numbers, wave-
forms, voltage levels, tolerances, and other amplifying data where necessary.
e. A separate blocked test diagram presented on the same
page as the signal flow diagram. Text blocks need not be the same size or shape
as the signal flow blocks, but they shall follow the same arrangement of the
signal flow blocks.
f. Blocked text description of the function of the unit ra-
ther than just a statement of the purpose or a hardware description.
Servicing. - Procedures applicable to the functional sys-
tem and subsystem shall be provided, including cleaning, draining, etc, which
must be performed during maintenance accomplishment.
Removal and Installation. - Instructions for the removal
and installation of component, accessory, assembly, subassembly, cabling,
plug-in unit, etc, authorized for removal by organizational maintenance per-
sonnel, shall not be included where the removal and installation procedure is
obvious. Removal and installation instructions for rack/panel mounted com-
ponents with self-contained locking or quick-disconnect type fasteners or stand-
ard mounting provisions, where no possibility of incorrect connections exists,
do not require individual removal and installation instructions. However, ref-
erence shall be made to a general procedure to be provided as general infor-
a. Removal. - Other components which must be removed
to facilitate access must be included or referenced.
Installation. - Sequential steps required to install a
component shall be provided. Instructions such as ` Reverse the removal pro-
cedure" shall not be used.
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