| ![]() MIL-M-81260A(AS)
Arrangement. - The general arrangement of the compo-
nent/equipment operation and intermediate maintenance manuals shall follow
the requirements outline for component manuals as specified in 3.5.4. The
information pertaining to operation shall be arranged to precede the maintenance
Operation. - Technical information for operation shall include
instructions for preparing the component/equipment for initial use and its operation.
Preparation for Use. - This coverage shall describe the work
required to make the component/equipment ready for use, including special pro-
cedures, installation, power source, servicing, etc.
Operating Instructions. - This portion of the manual shall
contain essential operating instructions for the component/equipment, for a com-
plete start-to-stop cycle, including safety precautions to be observed covering
the following, as applicable:
a. Preliminary adjustment, alignment, positioning, and
warm-up procedure, including preventive maintenance or minor maintenance such
as oiling, dusting, etc, to be accomplished by operation personnel.
b. Means of connection between equipment and equipment
being tested, maintained, handled, processed, etc.
c. Purpose and use of all operating controls and auxiliary
equipment, or attachments furnished with the equipment.
How to start the equipment.
Operation of the equipment in normal sequence of operation.
Purpose, use, and interpretation of readings of all indi-
cating instruments.
g. Means of self-testing the equipment when purposely
built-in-test (BIT) feature or self-test capability is provided.
How to stop the equipment - shutdown procedures.
Precautions to be observed. These shall include as
applicable, warning as to safety of operations, and precautions which may be
necessary to prevent injury to operating personnel.
A list of all controls and indicators, and an explanation of
3.5.5 .3.2.1
the function of each shall be given. When applicable, typical instrument readings
(with acceptable upper and lower limits stated) and indicator presentations, to in-
form the operator what recognizable results he should expect shall be provided.
This shall include information such as:
a. Sequence or series of proper scope views or instrument
readings during operation.
b. Typical instrument readings and indicator presentations for
for various uses of the equipment.
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