| MIL-M-81392(AS)
number for any category, the preparation for delivery of the lot of markers
represented still be rejected. Only packs meeting the acceptance criteria
of Table III may be returned to the lot.
shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105.
BUWEPS LD 615123, BUWEPS Dwg. 1332115 for the Marker,
Location, Marine, Mk 25 Mod 2 or BUWEPS ID 615153, BUWEPS
Dwg. 1332144 for the Marker, Location, Marine, Mk 25 Mod 3
as applicable.
for Critical shall be as follows:
(a) Single sampling shall be used (double or multiple sampling and
reduced inspection are prohibited).
(1) For inspection lot sizes of 200 or less, use 100 percent of
the lot,
(2) For inspection lot sizes of 201 to 3200, use 200 units,
(3) For inspection lot sizes greater than 3200, use the sample size
from Table II indicated by the sample size letter from Level III
of Table I.
1n the absence of previous inspection on the shipping container, prior
to use, inspection shall be performd as required by BUWEPS Dwg. 1332114.
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