| ![]() MIL-M-81392(AS)
in Section 2 of this specification, or (c) referenced lower-tier documents,
need not be prepared for the Government and shall not be furnished to the
Government unless justified and specified in the contract or order. The
data to be furnished still be listed on DD Form l423, which shall be attached
to and made a part of the contract or order. NAVWEPS Form 4200/15 shall be
attached where applicable.
6.3.1 Date cards. Data cards, 5" x 8" made of white bristol board
approximately 110 lbs. ream weight, in accordance with Figure I, shall be
furnished by the contractor for each lot of markers. The contractor shall
fill in all required information, including all information for the following
Starter Composition
The Government Inspector shall endorse the data card and distribute one each
as follows:
(a) Procuring activity,
(b) Ships Parts Control Center (SPCC), Code 730, Mechanicsburg,
Pa. (if different than the procuring activity),
(c) Q.E. Laboratory coordinating surveillance (see 6.2),
(d) The designated test activity (see 6.2).
6.4 Definitions. The meaning of the terms used in this specification
shall be as listed below:
6.4.1 Marker. The term "marker" shall mean Marker, Location, Marine,
Mk 25 Mod 2, BUWEPS LD 282857, BUWEPS Drawing 1332017 or Marker, Location,
Marine, Mk 25 Mod 3, BUWEPS LD 615141, BUWEPS Drawing 1332145, as applicable.
6.4.2 Base plug. The term "base plug" shall mean the component
depicted on BUWEP Drawing 1212761.
6.4.3 Ejector. The term "ejector" shall mean the Aero Ejector 1A or
The term "store dispenser" shall mean the S2F3
6.4.4 Store dispenser.
aircraft store dispenser.
6.4.5 Adaptor Kit. The term "adaptor kit" shall mean the Adaptor Kit,
Marine Marker, Mk 34 Mod 0, BUWEPS LD 282828, BUWEPS Drawing 1212853.
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