| ![]() MIL-M-82376B Installation test Procedures. Instructions shall be provided
for making performance tests after installation of the training device to
ensure that it is properly set up, calibrated, adjusted, and in proper
operating condition before it is turned over to the operating personnel.
These instructions shall specify in detail all tests and parameters required
to ensure that the operational performance of the training device is equal to
that which qualified it for acceptance by the Government. Reference may be
made to applicable portions of the Acceptance Test Procedures Report or
equivalent when provided as a separate item of the contract . A publication
number shall be assigned to this report. Reference shall be made to the use
of special tools and test equipment (see Post installation tests. Precautionary measures and post
installation tests shall be described where such omission might lead to faulty
operation, equipment damage, or injury to personnel. Section III - Operation. This section shall include all the
procedures necessary to enable operating personnel to efficiently and
effectively use the equipment in accomplishing its designated task. These
operating instructions shall be in sufficient detail to allow operators, not
trained on this equipment, to independently and safely operate the equipment. Controls and indicators. Tabular listing of all TUE operating
controls and indicators in the training device shall be provided. Each table
shall be accompanied by an illustration of the related panel or unit. When
the size of the illustration precludes direct reading of the designation of
the control or indicator, leader lines with index numbers in clockwise
rotation shall be used. The tables shall include the following columns (see
figure 1):
Item number. Sequential list of index numbers shown on
Controls or indicators exactly as shown on the equipment. Controls
to be used only by qualified maintenance personnel shall be so
Reference designations.
Description of the purpose or function of the control or indicator.
Normal status or operating position. Preparation for operation. Procedures shall be provided for
preparing the training device for operation. These procedures shall include
instructions for a preliminary inspection. Precautionary measures and any
preoperational tests that are required to preclude faulty operation, equipment
damage, or injury to personnel shall be described. All procedures required
prior to training device turn-on shall be included.
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