| ![]() MIL-M-82376B Preliminary inspections. Preliminary inspection procedures
shall be provided for a walkaround inspection of the training device to ensure
that major components are intact and ready to be turned on. Daily preventive
maintenance procedures shall be used as applicable. Instructions shall be
provided, as applicable, for inspecting hoses, drive belts, electrical wiring,
indicators, etc. Switches and controls which require positioning before
energizing the equipment shall be described in a tabulation under the headings
"Name", "Location", and "Position or Setting." Any required preoperational
adjustments shall be described.
Operating procedures shall be provided as Operating procedures.
follows: Device turn-on. This procedure shall include all steps
necessary to turn-on the training device and perform any daily readiness
tests. At the conclusion of this procedure, the training device will be in
the full operating condition. Modes of operation. Procedures shall be provided for each
mode of operation; e.g. , manual, automatic, local, remote, search, track, etc.
The use of each mode shall be described. Computer program loading procedures
shall be included when essential to initializing operation of the equipment. Device shut down. This procedure shall include all steps
necessary to shut down the training device. This shall include both daily and
long term shut down conditions. Emergency operation. Emergency stop and restart procedures
shall be included. Instructions shall also be provided for substitute methods
of operation where there is a failure of circuits or improper functioning of
units. Section IV - Theory of operation. This section shall contain the
theory of operation necessary to provide the technician with an understanding
of the interrelationships of the functional systems of the overall training
device. This data shall include the operating theory of the support systems
integrated into the training device such as commercial computers, visual
systems, motion systems, Government-furnished equipment (GFE), etc. Reference
shall be made to COTS manuals as necessary. Introduction. An introduction paragraph shall explain the scope
of this section and the relationship of theory to fault isolation. Unusual terms and abbreviations. Unusual terms and
abbreviations , such as acronyms, mnemonics, etc., used in text and diagrams of
the technical manual shall be defined in the glossary (see Basic Principles and major systems. The basic principles of
operation of the training device and its major systems shall be concisely
described. As required, appropriate simplified schematic and block diagrams
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