| ![]() MIL-M-82376B Introduction. An introductory paragraph shall explain the scope
of this section. A reference to the definition of terms and abbreviations in
the Glossary shall be provided. A data list, developed in accordance with
Chapter 600 of DOD-STD-100, shall be included in this volume. For multiple
sheet drawings, the contractor shall ensure that continuity is maintained from
sheet to sheet. This shall be accomplished by providing continuation keys
using the alphanumeric system of zoning. Drawings should be divided into
equally spaced horizontal zones designated A, B, C, etc. , from the bottom to
the top along the outside left and right borders. Drawings shall be divided
into equally spaced vertical zones designated 1, 2, 3, etc. , from right to
left along the outside top and bottom borders. Continuation sheets shall use
consecutive zone designators, e.g. , sheet one uses A, B, C, D, E and 1, 2, 3,
4, 5. Sheet two would use F, G, H, I, J and 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. When
referencing to zones on other sheets, the following information shall be
provided: (a) signal name (mnemonic), (b) sheet number, and (c) alphanumeric
zone number. When using zone designators, the number should be listed first
to avoid possible confusion with reference designators, for example "3C"
should be used instead of "C3". Intercabling diagram. (A,N) External intercabling diagrams
for the training device shall be provided. All cables installed between
equipments shall be included and identified by cable number. Figure 7 is a
sample of an intercabling diagram showing cabling between units of a training
device. If a junction box or disconnect panel is supplied, an additional
wiring diagram(s) showing the internal wiring of the box or panel and its
relationship to the external wiring shall be furnished, but functions of the
circuits need not be indicated. Cable terminations are normally multi-pin
connectors, terminal lugs, coaxial connectors, etc.
3.3.1,7.2.1 Cable wire lists. (N) Cable wire lists (figure 8) shall be
provided for all cables identified on the cabling diagrams. The wire lists
shall consist of tabular data representing the internal connections of the
cables that run between the equipment. The principle information provided by
cable wire lists shall be as follows:
Cable number (W-100, W-101, etc.).
Point-to-point connector terminations, both ends (W100P1-A to
Reference designators of interconnecting units.
Number of active wires.
Spare wires - conductors designated as spares shall be identified
as such in the function column.
Function (voltage, mnemonics, signal, etc.).
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