| ![]() MIL-M-87977(USAF)
3.4.1 Maintenance Platform Design (General). The maintenance platforms shall be
designed to meet the Working Level Heights depicted by USAF drawing number 7747223
and all other design features specified herein. The maintenance platform shall be
mobile and must be designed to be easily moved by three average size individuals.
The maintenance platform weight shall not exceed 2800 pounds and its towbar will be
designed to allow one man to lift it from the ground with a maximum force of 20
pounds. The maximum force required to start moving the platform from rest shall not
exceed 60 pounds force. All internal structural members adjacent to the upper
platform cut-out and the interior side of the lower platform shall be inset to allow
at least 10 inch clearance between aircraft and stand structure to preclude
inadvertent contact of stand structure and aircraft. There shall be two working
levels, Upper, and Lower.
3.4,1,1 Upper Level Floor. The upper level floor shall provide adequate working
area to safely install the dragchute. The floor elevation and fuselage cut-out size
and configuration shall be as shown in USAF drawing 7747223 and shall meet the
following requirements:
A fuselage cut-out shall be provided to accommodate the tail end of the B-52
symmetrically from the platform rear. There shall be a working floor area
H model
on both
sides of the aircraft extending up to fuselage station 1824 shown in USAF
7747223 and having a minimum width of 42 inches.
b. A removable saddle contoured adapter is required for use with the B-52G
aircraft. The adapter shall easily be mounted and removed and shall reduce cut-out
depth by five inches at the tail end of the cut-out. The adapter is to prevent the
front end of the upper floor from contacting the ALQ-117 antenna fairings.
c. Boeing Company drawings 24-1071 and 34-1800 provide tail loft data for B-52
G & H models respectively.
d. The cut-out shall allow clearance to install bumper specified in paragraph
3.4.9 and a three inch clearance between the bumnper and the aircraft.
e. A 30 inch minimum walk way width shall be provided to allow personnel to
walk around the tail end of the aircraft.
f. A 24 X 30 inch staircase landing shall be provided on the upper floor
forward end.
g. A folding floor panel is required on the platform rear right (aircraft left
side) to clear pneumatic system access door opening and dragchute door handcrank
rotation and to allow headroom when cranking from lower level floor. The floor
panel shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Provide a five inch hand clearance for dragchute door handcrank
(2) Provide enough clearance to open and close pneumatic system access door
when platform bumpers are against fuselage side.
(3) The middle horizontal handrail behind the folding floor panel shall be
at an elevation to allow a five inch hand clearance for swinging the folding floor
panel to and from its opened position.
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