| ![]() MIL-M-87977(USAF)
(4) A stop mounted on the handrail behind the folding floor panel shall be
provided to support the door in its opened position. The stop shall be made of
angle iron at least .25 inches thick. A positive lock shall be provided in the
opened or closed position.
(5) A ladder grab handle shall be provided on the upper deck contour side
next to the klckplate and forward of the folding floor panel. The handle shall be
similar to the lift handle on folding floor panel. The handle shall be sturdy
enough to support 200 pounds without bending or breaking. Lower Level Floor. The lower level floor shall provide adequate working
area to safely operate the dragchute door handcrank and perform necessary dragchute
installation connections and adjustments inside the pneumatic system access door.
The handcrank throw is 8.5 inches and projects 10 inches The door opens up and is
locked open at an 80 angle, The lower level floor is required only on the right
side of the stand (lef side of aircraft) and will start at fuselage station 1824 and
It shall have a minimum width of 42 inches. The elevation and
extend to 1873.50.
fuselage clearance of the lower level floor shall be as shown in USAF drawing
7747223. Platform Section The platform shall be designed in sections to allow
assembly/disassembly and transportation capability. The sections shall be kept to a
highway transprotation cubage envelope 9 feet high by 8 feet wide by 20 feet long. Platform Sections lifting Provisions. Each maintenance platform section
shall have lifting eyes with an inside diameter of at least 2 inches The lifting
eyes shall not Interfere with the assembly nor present a safety harzard after the
platform is erected. The lifting eyes shall be located so the crane can perform
necessary positioning of the sections for assembly requiring the least manual
handling Platform Section Weight Information. Each maintenance platform section
shall have a data plate located in a conspicuous area indicating its weight. This
is required for personnel safety and convenient lifting equipment selection
3.4.2 Reliability, The maintenance platform reliability will be to the extent
that all acceptance and pre-production test requirements are successfully met.
3.4.3 Maintainability. The maintenance platform shall be designed and
as specified herein and to provide the following:
a. Minimum number of parts consistent with reliability and performance as
b. Minimum amount of training and time necessary for assembly, disassembly,
location of trouble sources, and maintenance, including servicing. Where practical,
parts and components shall be located or positioned for rapid and simple inspection
and recognition of excessive wear or potential failure.
c. permit adjustments, Servicing, replacement of parts and components, and
other maintenance with minimum disturbance to other equipment parts and components.
Parts and components shall be located for ample and rapid access unnless
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