| MIL-N-21337
5.3.1 Unit packaging.
5.2 Cleaning and preservation
5.2.1 Level A. Level A. Nuts shall be packaged in
quantities of 50, 25, 10, 5, or fraction thereof Cleaning. Phosphate-coated nuts
dependent on weight. Unit package quanti-
ties of nuts coated with a preservative (see
shall be cleaned in accordance with Method
5.2) shall be wrapped in grade A, grease-
C-3 of Specification MIL-P-116. Unplated
proof barrier material conforming to Speci-
nuts shall be cleaned in accordance with
Method C-1 of Specification MIL-P-116.
fication MIL-B-121, prior to placing them in
Zinc-plated, cadmium-plated,. and corrosion-
containers. Nuts shall be packaged in fold-
resisting nuts will not require cleaning.
ing cartons, setup boxes, or metal edge boxes
conforming to Specification PPP-B-566, Preservation. Unless otherwise
PPP-B-676, or MIL-B-4229, as applicable.
specified, zinc-plated, cadmium-plated, un-
Unless otherwise specified, gross weight of
plated, and phosphate-coated nuts shall be
unit packages shall not exceed 10 pounds.
coated with type P-2 preservative in accord- Level C. Unit packaging shall be
ance with Specification MIL-P-116. Corro-
in accordance with the manufacturer's com-
sion-resisting nuts will not require preserva-
mercial practice.
5.3.2 Intermediate packaging.
5.2.2 Level R Not applicable, Level A. Unit packages shall be
5.2.3 Level C. Nuts shall be cleaned and
further packaged in folding cartons, set-up,
preserved in accordance with standard com-
metal-stayed or fiberboard boxes conforming
mercial practice.
to Specification PPP-B-566, PPP-B-676,
5.3 Packaging. Nuts shall be packaged in
MIL-B-4229, PPP-B-636, or JAN-P-108.
accordance with 5.3.1, 5.3.2, and 5.3.3 as ap-
A1l seams and joints, including manufactur-
plicable. Individual unit packages, interme-
er's joints, shall be covered with water-re-
diate packages, and secondary intermediate
sistant tape conforming to Specification UU-
packages shall contain nuts of one type,
T-116 or PPP-T-76. Unless otherwise speci-
class, and size.
fied, gross weights shall be in accordance
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