| MIL-N-81497A(AS)
Intended Use - The INS is intended for use in aircraft
to provide continuous present position, velocity, attitude and heading
Ordering Data - Purchasers should exercise any desired
options offered herein, and Procurement documents should specify the
(1) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(2) Selection of applicable levels of packaging
and packing (see 5.1).
Precedence of Documents - When the requirements of the
contract, this specification, or applicable subsidiary specifications
are in conflict, the following precedence shall apply:
(1) Contract - The contract shall have Precedence
over any specification.
(2) This Specification - This specification shall
have precedence over all applicable subsidiary
Any deviation from this speci-
fication, or from subsidiary specifications where
applicable, shall be specifically approved in
writing by the procuring activity.
(3) Referenced Specifications - Any referenced specific-
ation shall have precedence over all applicable
subsidiary specifications referenced therein. All
referenced specifications shall apply to the extent
Performance Objectives - Minimum size and weight, sim-
plicity of operation, ease of maintenance, and an improvement in the per-
formance and reliability of the specific functions beyond the requirements
of this specification are objectives which shall be considered in the
production of this equipment. Where it appears a substantial reduction in
size and weight or improvement in simplicity of design, performance, ease
of maintenance or reliability will result from the use of materials, parts
and processes other than those specified in MIL-E-5400, it is desired
their use be investigated. When investigation shows advantages can be
realized, a request for approval shall be submitted to the procuring ac-
tivity for consideration. Each request shall be accompanied by complete
supporting information.
Non-Repairable Subassemblies - As a general rule non-
repairable subassemblies should be encapsulated or hermetically sealed.
The number of connections internal to the subassembly should be held to
a minimum. Detail parts tolerances and ratings should be so selected
that the life of the subassembly is greater than that of a similar repair-
able one, with few exceptions (such as high voltage power supplies) the
non-repairable subassembly should evidence a mean-time-to-failure greater
than 5,000 hours, and for many applications this figure must be nearer
50,000 hours.
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