| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
T o t a l Weight - The total weight of the equipment
excluding cables, shall be a minimum consistent with good design
and shall not exceed 48 pounds.
Reliability - The Contractor shall conduct a re-
liability program using MIL-STD-785 as a guide.
On a reorder
from a supplier who has previously produced the equipment, the
p r o g r a m previously used may be continued unless otherwise indi-
cated in the contract or order.
Operational Stability - The equipment shall
o p e r a t e with satisfactory performance, c o n t i n u o u s l y or intermit-
tently for a period of at least 250 hours without the necessity for
readjustment of any controls which arc inaccessible to the opera-
tor during normal use.
.O p e r a t i n g Life - The equipment shall have total
operating life of 5000 hours with reasonable servicing and replace-
ment of parts. P a r t s requiring scheduled replacement shall be
s p e c i fied by the c o n t r a c t o r .
E q u i p m e n t Reliability in Mean-Time-Between
F a i l u r e s (MTBF) - The equipment shall have a specified mean
(operating) time between failures (MTBF) of 175 hours when
tested and accepted as outlined under the requirements of 4.4.3.
3 . 3 . 2 . 4 Time Totalizing Meter - The following units
shall contain time totalizing meters in accordance with Specifi-
c a t i o n MIL-M-7793:
Type of Meter
Cabling and Connections:
C a b l e s and Connectors - The equipment shall
provide for the use of cables and connectors in accordance with
S p e c i f i c a t i o n MIL-E-5400.
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