| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
( 1 ) AC Power (Single Phase) 115V, Category B, 310VA
( 2 ) DC Power 28V, Category B, 2.2 Amps
Degraded Performance - Degraded performance
will be permitted for transients not exceeding 0.5 second during
n o r m a l electric system operation. Operation shall return to nor-
mal with no resulting damage to the equipment.
- Unless otherwise specified, values
s e t forth to establish the requirements for satisfactory perfor-
mance apply to performance under both standard and extreme
service and input power conditions. W h e n reduced performance
u n d e r the extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or values
setting forth acceptable variations from the performance under the
standard conditions will be specified.
O p e r a t i o n - A working assembly of the equipment
3. 4.1
when properly interconnected shall transmit to and receive from
a similarly equipped complementary aircraft or a complementary
navigation beacon a combination of pulsed signals from which it
shall derive and process the information necessary to:
Continuously display the bearing to the beacon
i n the REC (receive) and T/R (transmit-
(2) Indicate the deviation of the aircraft from the
selected course or beacon radial in the REC
( r e c e i v e ) and T/R (transmit-receive) modes.
Indicate the distance to the beacon in the T/R
( t r a n s m i t - r e c e i v e ) mode.
Indicate the distance to the complementary
a i r c r a f t in the A/A (air-to-air) mode.
(5) T r a n s p o n d to the complementary aircraft's
i n t e r r o g a t i o n in the A/A (air-to-air) mode.
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