| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
(6) Identify, by aural identification, the beacon
to which the equipment is channeled in the
R E C (receive) and T/R (transmit-receive)
(7) A u t o m a t i c a l l y select, for satisfactory per-
formance, one of two associated antennas in
R E C (receive), T/R (transmit-receive) and
A / ' A (air-to-air) modes.
F u r t h e r m o r e , the equipment, independently of
t h e signals received from the beacon or complementary aircraft,
shall provide a blanking pulse output during the time of its own
t r a n s m i s s i o n in the T/R (transmit-receive) and A/A (air-to-air)
modes which will cause blanking of other equipment operating
in the same frequency band.
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of TACAN Signals - This equip-
ment shall operate with pulse code and pulse amplitude type sig-
nals of a surface or air facility meeting the requirements of
F r e q u e n c y Characteristics - One hudred twenty-
six (126) crystal controlled frequency channels shall be provided
at one megahertz spacing. In the T/R mode, channels 1 through
63 shall pair receiver frequencies 962 through 1024 megahertz
with transmitter frequencies 1025 through 1087 megahertz and
channels 64 through 126 shall pair receiver frequencies 1151 through
1213 megahertz with transmitter frequencies 1088 through 1150
m e g a h e r t z . In the REC and T/R modes the receiver shall be
tuned identically. In the A/A mode, channels 1 through 63 shall
pair receiver frequencies 1088 through 1150 megahertz with trans-
mitter frequencies 1025 through 1087 megahertz and channels
64 through 126 shall pair receiver frequencies 1025 through 1087
megahertz with transmitter frequencies 1088 through 1150 megahertz.
M o d u l a t i o n Characteristics - Modulation character-
istics shall be as follows when the RF pulse envelope is detected
by a linear detector:
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