| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
The transmitted output shall not drop below 0.95 kw with a two
to one standing wave ratio of any phase angle at the transmitter.
The two pulses in an interrogating pulse pair shall not differ
in power by more than 0.5 db when the load impedance is 50 ohms.
T r a n s m i t t e r Power in A/A Mode - With the
equipment operating in the A/A mode at a transmitting rate of 150
p u l s e pairs per second, t h e requirements of shall apply.
The transmitter power shall recover to within 2 db of the maximum
peak power within 200 micro-seconds after any transmission and
shall be at least 750 watts when the transmitter rate is 1050 pulses
p e r second.
Effect of Transmitter Power on Other Functions -
Under no circumstances shall the equipment lock-on to its own
t r a n s m i s s i o n . No degradation of any of the other functions of the
equipment shall occur as a result of its own transmission.
Traffic Capacity in A/A Mode - With the equip-
ment operating in the A/A mode on a given channel, it shall be
pcssible to transpond effectively to each of five interrogating air-
craft when their - equipments are each set 63 channels from the
given channel and when their signal strengths at the antenna of
the equipment specified herein are within 12 db of each other.
The equipment specified herein shall interrogate and lock-on to
one of the other five, but it shall not be required to determine the
one to which it is locked-on. The equipment shall not be damaged
w h e n subjected to excessive interrogations.
Sensitivity - The equipment sensitivity shall be
a s follows:
-90 dbm
Distance Measurement
-80 dbm
B e a r i n g Measurements
-90 dbm
B e a c o n Identification
3.4.10 Radio Interference
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