| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
(1) Pulse Top - The instantaneous magnitude of
the pulse shall not, at any instant between the
point on the leading edge which is 95% of the
pulse amplitude and the point on the trailing
edge which is 95% of the pulse amplitude,
fall below 95% of the pulse amplitude.
(2) Pulse Duration - The pulse duration measured
between the 50% amplitude points shall be 3.5
0.5 microseconds.
(3) Pulse Coding - In the T/R mode, the pulse
code spacing-measured between the 50% ampli-
tude points from leading edge to leading edge
s h a l l be 12.0 0.5 microseconds. T h i s require-
ment shall also apply to the interrogating pulses
in the A/A mode. The transmitted replies in
the A/A mode shall be single pulses.
Pulse Repetition Rate - When the equipment is
interrogating a beacon or another aircraft, the maximum pulse
repetition rate shall be 150 pulse pairs per second (pp/s) in the
search mode and 30 pp/s in the track mode. The pulse repeti-
tion rate shall vary or jitter enough to preclude synchronization
of transmitted pulses amongst any of 100 equipments on the same
channel for more than one second in one hour. A search repiti-
tion rate of 135 pp/s shall be avoided to preclude synchronization
with the fine bearing information.
T r a n s m i t t e r Spectrum -
In both the search and
t r a c k conditions, 94% of the transmitted energy shall be contained
within a 500 kilohertz band centered on the nominal frequency of
the assigned channel. Each lobe of the spectrum shall be of less
amplitude than the adjacent lobe nearer the nominal channel
T r a n s m i t t e r Power Output:
T r a n s m i t t e r Power in T/R Mode - When the
equipment is interrogating a beacon in the T/R mode, the peak
power of each pulse transmitted during the search condition shall
be not less than 1.5 kw nor more than 3.0 kw on all channels when
the transmitter is terminated in a 50 ohm resistive load impedance.
. . . .cont'd.
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