| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
3 . 4 . 1 8 R e m o t e C o n t r o l - Complete operational remote
c o n t r o l of the receiver-transmitter shall be provided throughout
the control panel.
3.4.19 S e l e c t i v i t y :
3 . 4 . 1 9 . 1 Adjacent and other Channels - The equipment
shall have at least 60 db rejection to any beacon signals comply-
ing to MIL- STD-291 on any-channel other than the channel to which
the equipment is tuned. This requirement applies both in the pre-
sence or absence of a desired beacon signal on the selected fre-
quency channel. In the presence of a desired signal, the undesired
s i g n a l shall be considered rejected if all the performance require-
ments of this specification are met and no bearing errors result
from the introduction of the interfering signal. In the absence
of a desired signal, the undesired signal shall be considered re-
jected if no distance or b e a r i n g information is obtained.
Co-Channel - The equipment shall be capable
of rejecting the weaker of two beacon signals received on the
same channel when the difference in signal strength is 8 db or
m o r e . The performance obtained from the stronger signal shall
meet all requirement of this specification except that an additional
one degree bearing error is permitted, when only 8 db of difference
exists between the two signals. The 8 db difference shall be mea-
sured using test signals each having equal modulation indexes,
but not exceeding a total of 40% modulation.
3 . 4 . 2 0 P u l s e C o d e D i s c r i m i n a t i o n - T h e sensitivity of
t h e receiver shall not decrease more than 3 db when receiving
a pulse pair spaced 0 . 5 microsecond from nominal. At signal
l e v e l s between -75 dbm and 0 dbm the receiver shall not lock-on
in range and bearing to pulse pairs spaced 4.0 microseconds
from nominal. At signal levels below -75 dbm the receiver shall
n o t lock-on in range or bearing to pulse pairs spaced 4.5 micro-
s e c o n d s from nominal.
3 . 4 . 2 1 Channel Selection Time - Channel selection shall
be possible under all conditions of 3.4. Selection time for one
channel to any other channel shall not exceed 5 seconds under
standard conditions and 60 seconds under extreme service condi-
tions after the normal warm-up time.
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