| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
Accuraccy - The equipment shall have Distance
a distance accuracy of 0.1 mile 0.2% of the distance within the
range of 0 to 50 miles and 0.2 mile from 50 miles to maximum
range under both static and dynamic tracking conditions when
t h e distance indicator is set to zero at zero miles. This accuracy
shall be maintained over a range of signal strength from -90 dbm
to 0 dbm. An additional error of 0.1 mile in distance accuracy
over any distance range is permitted following extended exposure
t o salt spray atmosphere.
Bearing Accuracy
- The equipment shall have
a bearing accuracy as shown in the table below under static
tracking conditions.
Signal Strength
B e a r i n g Accuracy
-80 dbm to -77 dbm
- 7 7 dbm to -5 dbm
-5 dbm to 0 dbm
T h e increase in error under dynamic tracking
conditions shall not exceed 1 at 5/sec. The above shall apply
at all bearings and within the modulation limits 15% to 55% with
modulation indexes not more than 0.30 nor less than 0.07.
15 Cycle Accuracy - The equipment shall
have a bearing accuracy of 6 when operating with 15 cycle infor-
m a t i o n , only. This requirement shall be applicable over a 15%
to 55% total range of modulation with the 15 cycle modulation
index of not more than 0.30 nor less than 0.07. External Phase Shift - The equipment shall
be capable of locking on and maintaining lock with a bearing rate
of change of 5 per second when the phase difference between the
15 cycle and 135 cycle components of the modulation envelope
external to the equipment is 15 (at 15 cps.)
3 . 4 . 1 7 Beacon Identification - In the REC and T/R modes
the equipment shall provide intelligible and unambiguous aural iden-
tification of the selected beacon signal with a 10 db signal-plus-
noise ratio at a signal strength of -90 dbm. The beacon shall be
identifiable by a Morse coded audio tone of 1350 cycles per second.
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