| MIL-N-81857{AS)
3.4.32 O u t p u t s : Identify
Output - T h e audio identity tone output
shall be adjustable at the control unit to provide a maximum of
not less than 100 milliwatts of 1350 cps power into a 600 ohm
resistive load during identity tone operation in the REC and T/R
m o d e s . The audio power output shall not vary more than 3 db
over an RF input signal range of -90 dbm to zero dbm. A c c i -
dental shorting or opening of the output circuit external to the
equipment shall not cause damage to the equipment or render
other functions of the equipment inoperative.
Identitv Tone Impedance - The control cir-
shall provide for identity tone input and output nominal im-
pedance of 600 ohms.
3 . 4 . 3 2 . 2 Distance Outputs - The Range Mechanical
m o d u l e (Paragraph shall provide the following dis-
tance outputs for a computer.
3 . 4 . 3 2 . 2 . 1 D i s t a n c e S y n c h r o T r a n s m i t t e r s - Three dis-
t a n c e synchro transmitters shall be provided, Each synchro shall
be positioned in such a manner as to provide distance data of a
n a t u r e regarding units, tens and hundreds, respectively. A syn -
t h e t i c hundreds synchro transmitter is permitted.
3 . 4 . 3 2 . 3 Bearing Outputs - The Bearing Mechanical
module of shall provide the following bearing outputs
f o r a computer.
TACAN Bearing Output - The Bearing Mecha-
nical module shall provide a synchro output of constant phase
relationship to the TACAN bearing.
3 . 4 . 3 2 . 3 . 2 Bearing Differential Synchro Transmitter
Output - A relative bearing output shall be provided by a differen-
tial synchro transmitter whose inputs shall be the TACAN bearing
angle and the heading reference signal.
Receiver-Transmitter - RT-1030/ARN-105-
r e c e i v e r - t r a n s m i t t e r shall meet the following requirements.
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