| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
3.5.11 F u n c t i o n - The receiver-transmitter shall
encode and transmit interrogation pulses; it shall detect and
d e c o d e bearing, distance and identity data, and convert the data
into signals for operation of any combination of:
T h r e e (3) Bearing -Distance - Heading
I n d i c a t o r s , I D - 6 6 3 / U , or electrical
equivalent, connected in parallel,
(2) T h r e e (3) Course (Deviation) Indicators,
I D - 3 8 /ARN or electrical equivalent.
(3) T h r e e (3) Range Indicators, ID-388/APN,
vice tlie distance portion of the ID-663/U.
t o the interrogation pulses of similarly equipped
aircraft. It shall
transmit single pulse replies to as many as five
such interrogating
aircraft provided their signal strengths are within
12 db of each
other at the receiver input terminal.
F o r m F a c t o r - T h e form factor of the RT-1030/
A R N - 1 0 5 receiver-transmitter shall be as shown in Figure 1.
Weight - T h e weight of the receiver-transmitter
shall not exceed 48.0 pounds.
C o n t e n t s - T h e receiver-transmitter unit shall
c o n s i s t of a base assembly and the following modules. Each
m o d u l e shall conform to the provisions of Specification MIL-E-19600.
T h e classification designations shall be A45Y3. However, the alti-
tude denoted by the digit "3" shall be 70,000 feet.
(1) RF Module - 4-1/2 inches x 6 inches x 12 inches
The RF module shall contain a resistance
bridge controlled servo system which drives
a turret containing 126 crystals (one for
each channel) and which tunes the prese-
l e c t o r , f r e q u e n c y multiplier and transmitter.
This module shall also contain the prese-
l e c t o r , double conversion i-f amplifier,
h i g h - v o l t a g e power supply, modulator, frequency
m u l t i p l i e r , a n d transmitter" subassemblies.
. . .cont'd.
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