| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
(3) In the T/R position, the transmittcr portion
of the unit will also be energizcd and in addi-
tion to bearing and identity tone functions will
allow the transmission of interrogation pulses
to the ground beacon and receive the distance
response pulse from the beacon as distance
(4) In the A/A position, the receiver-transmitter
shall be energized and perform as a trans-
ponder for distance information between
c o o p e r a t i n g a.ircrafts. T h e bearing circuits
shall he inactive in this mode.
Channel Selector - T h e channel selector shall
consist of two rotary switches on concentric shafts. The switch on
the inner shaft shall contain 10 positions and shall effect a digital
readout of zero 10 nine respectively as the switch is moved clock-
wise through its range. The switch on the outer shaft shall contain
13 positions and shall effect a digital readout of onc to twelve as
the switch is moved clockwise from its second position to its thir-
t e e n t h position respectively. There shall be no readout in the most
position. The digit displayed by the inner control
shall appear immediately below tile number displayed by the outer
c o n t r o l . When the number displayed by the outer control contains
two digits, the number shall be displayed vertically so that the
second digit is immediately below the first digit. The channel
selector shall be marked CHAN immediately above the switch knobs.
Identity Tone Output Control - The identity
tone output level shall be controlled by a potentiometer assembly
which shall provide continuous variation of the audio output level,
approximately linearly in db per degree of control rotation, over
a range of attenuation from 60 db to a minimum of not more than
0.5 db. A clockwise rotation shall effect an increase in output
l e v e l . The control shall be marked VOL between the forward and
rear portions of a clockwise arrow broken in the middle to accom-
modate the letters.
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