| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
3 . 5 . 2 . 6 E l e c t r i c a l C o n n e c t i o n s - The electrical connec-
tions to external circuits shall be as shown in Figure 3.
3 . 5 . 2 . 7 P a n e l L i g h t s - Panel lights for the C-2010/ARN-52(V)
shall utilize type MS25237-327 lamps and MS25010A11A lampholders.
These lamps are rated 28 volts and tile lampholders have a red lens.
3 . 5 . 3 C o n t r o l C - 2 0 1 0 A / A R N - 5 2 ( V ) - The control shall
mmet the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-C-6781 for
Type I control panel. The lighting of the plastic panel shall con-
f o r m to MIL-P-7788, Class 1R, Type III with a lamp voltage of
28 volts.
- The control unit shall perform the
f o l l o w i n g functions.
(1) It shall provide applying and turning off
power to the receiver-transmitter; it shall
also provide for manual selection of the
R E C , T / R , and A/A mocles of operation.
It shall provide for manual selection of any
one of 126 channels assigned to the receiver-
t r a n s m i t t c r o It shall at the same time provide
digital outputs corresponding to the channel
(3) It shall provide for manual control of the
volume of the aural tone of the beacon iden-
F o r m Factor - The for m factor of Control C-2010A/
ARN-52(V) shall be as shown in Figure 4.
The weight of the Control unit shall not
Weight -
e x c e e d 2.5 pounds.
The control unit shall contain the
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