| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
Function Selector Switch
Channel Selector Switch including digital switching
Identity Tone Output Control
Panel Lights
C h a n n e l Servo Bridge Circuit
C o n n e c t o r s MS-3102A-20-27S and
Controls -
The control unit shall provide the
f o l l o w i n g controls:
F u n c t i o n Selector - The function selector shall
be a four position rotary switch to provide selection of the operating
functions which shall be marked OFF, REC, T/R and A/A respectively
i n a clockwise order. T h e selector switch shall control the receiver-
t r a n s m i t i e r as follows:
(1 ) In the OFF position, all primary power to
t h e receiver-transmiter shall be off.
(2) In the REC position, t h e receiver-transmitter
shall be (energized, a l l o w i n g the receiver
portion of the unit to operate for bearing and
identity tone functions on any channel.
(3) In the T/R position, the transmitter portion
of the unit will also be energized and in addi-
tion to the bearing and identity tone functions,
w i l l allow the trasmission of interrogation
pulses to the ground beacon and receive the
distance response pulse from the beacon as
d i s t a n c e information.
(4) In the A/A position, t h e receiver-transmitter
shall be energized and perform as a transpon-
d e r for distance information between coopera-
t i n g aircrafts. The bearing circuits shall be
inactive in this mode.
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