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MIL-N-81857(AS) A c c e l e r a t i o n  T e s t s - Acceleration Tests shall
be conducted in accordance with Procedure III, MIL-E-5272.
F u n c t i o n a l tests shall be performed in accordance with the ap-
proved preproduction test procedure (Part III).
A c o u s t i c a l N o i s e T c s t s - Accoustical Noise
tests shall be concluc ied in accordance with J'letilod 515, MIL-STD-810A
e x c e p t the Tolerances of Figure 515-1 MIL-STD-810A, with an over-
a l l sound pressure level of 145 db (re 2x10-4 d y / c m  2 ) s h a l l a p p l y .
F u n c t i o n a l tests shall be performed in accordance with the approved
preproduction  test  procedure  (Part  III).
4 . 2 . 2 . 3 I n t e r f e r e n c e  T e s t s - Interference tests shall be
c o n d u c t e d in accordance with Specification MIL-T-6181.
4.2.3 Preproduction (First Article) Approval - Approval
the preproduction sample shall be by the procuring activity upon
s a t i s f a c t o r y completion of all tests. No production equipments shall
b e delivered prior to the approval of the preproduction sample. Pre-
f a b r i c a t i o n of production equipment prior to the approval of the pre-
production sample is at the contractor's own risk. The approved
preproduction sample shall be retained by the contractor for his
u s e in the fabrication and testing of equipment to be submitted for
acceptance. The preproduction sample shall not be considered as
one of the equipments under the contract.
Equipments - Equipments supplied under
t h e contract shall in all respects, including design, construction,
w o r k m a n s h i p , performance cnd quality, be equivalent to the approved
p r e p r o d u c t i o n sample.  Each equipment shall be capable of success-
fully passing the same tests as imposed on the preproduction sample.
Evidence of non-compliance with the above shall constitute cause
for rejection and for equipment already accepted by the Government,
it shall be the obligation of the contractor to make necessary correc-
tions as approved by the procuring activity.
I n i t i a l Production Tests - One of the first ten produc-
tion equipments shall be selected and sent at the contractor's expense
t o a designated Government laboratory for tests. This equipment
shall be selected by the procuring activtity after the equipment has
s u c c e s s f u l l y passed all individual tests.  No other tests shall be
conducted on equipment prior to starting the Initial Production Tests.
The preproduction sample shall not be selected for this test.

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