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4 . 3 . 1 Scope of Tests - This equipment may be subjected
t o any and all tests the procuring activity deems necessary to as-
s u r e that the production equipmen is equivalent to the previously
a p p r o v e d preproduction sample in design, construction, workman-
s h i p , performances and quality and that it meets all applicable
4 . 3 . 2 A c c e s s o r y M a t e r i a l - In addition to the complete
e q u i p m e n t submitted for Initial Production Tests the contractor
s h a l l also submit such accessory material and data necessary to
test  the  equipment.
4.3.3 I n i t i a l P r o d u c t i o n S a m p l e A p p r o v a l - Approval of
the Initial Production Sample shall be by the procuring activity upon
s a t i s i f a c t o r y completion of all tests. Any design, material or per-
f o r m a n c e defect made evident during this test shall be corrected by
t h e contractor to the satisfaction fo the procuring activity. Failure
o f the Initial Production Sample to pass any of the tests shall be
c a u s e for deliveries of equipment under the contract to cease until
proper corrective action is approved and accomplished. Correc-
tive action shall also be accomplished on equipemnt previously
accepted when requested by the procuring activity.
4.3.4 Reconditioning of Initial Production Test Sample -
On completion of the initial production test the equipment shall be
r e w o r k e d by the contractor by replacing all limited life or damaged
items. After reworking the contractor shall resubmit the equip-
ment  for  acceptance.
Acceptance Tests - The contractor shall furnish all
sample's and shall be responsible for a c c o m p l i s h i n g the acceptance
t e s t s .  All inspection and testing shall be under the supervision of
t h e government inspector.  Contractors not having adequate facili-
ties for conducting all required tests shall engage the service of a
c o m m e r c i a l testing laboratory acceptable to the procuring activity.
The contractor shall furnish test reports showing quantitative re-
sults for all acceptance tests.  Such reports shall be signed by an
a u t h o r i z e d representative of the contractor or laboratory, as appli-
c a b l e .  Acceptance or approval of material during the course of
manufacture shall not be construed as a guarantee of the acceptance
of the finished product.  Acceptance tests shall consist of the

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