| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
The equipment shall be vibrated (without vibration isolators) for
a period of 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the 10-hour period
of operation. Where feasible, the equipment shall be operated
during this vibration period for the purpose of detecting flaws and
imperfect workmanship. Operation within the specified limits of
satisfactory performance is not necessarily required during the
vibration period. The direction of vibration should be vertical
to the normal mounting plane for 5 minutes and lateral to that
plane for 5 minutes. Where it is not feasible to vibrate the equip-
ment in 2 directions the vertical direction shall be used. During
the 10-hour period of operation following the 10-minute vibration
period, the equipment shall be mechanically cycled periodically
through its various phases of operation. Should a failure occur,
it should be repaired and the test started over, except that the
10-minute vibration period need not be repeated when it is certain
the failure was not a result of the vibration. Should repetitive
failures occur, corrective action shall be taken to eliminate this
defect from future equipment. A record shall be kept of all failures.
The 10-hour period specified above may be composed of two 5-hour
periods to conform with standard working hours.
4 . 4 . 2 S a m p l i n g T e s t s - Equipments selected for sampling
tests shall first have passed the individual tests. Equipments shall
be selected for sampling tests by the Government inspector in accor-
dance with the following:
Quantity to be Selected
Quaniity of Equipments
for Sampling Test
O f f e r e d for Acceptance
1 for each additional
200 or fraction thereof
#One out of first ten need not be selected and tested if initial
p r o d u c t i o n tests are conducted. Sampling Tests are not re-
q u i r e d when Reliability Assurance Tests are conducted.
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