| MIL-N-81857(AS) Scope of Tests - As a minimum, each equipment
s e l e c t e d for sampling tests shall be subjected to the following tests:
(1) Complete
operation test at ambient roonl
Conditions, m a k i n g all necessary measure-
ments to assure that all applicable specifi-
cation requirements have been met.
(2) Opcrational test at certain environmental
c o n d i t i o n s , The conditions may vary for
each equipmcnt tested and should be based
o n results of the preproduction, production
and special tests.
Manufacturing run in test specified in para-
graph except that the test duration
shall bc 120 hours with no restriction on the
n u m b e r of failures. H o w e v e r , each failure
shall be analyzed as to cause and remedial
a c t i o n necessary to reduce the possibility
of its recurrence in future equipment.
Tests - Reliability Assurance
T e s t s shall be conducted using MIL-STD-781. Tests as required by
both the Qualification Phase and the Production Acceptance (Sampling)
P h a s e shall be conducted. Classification of failure shall be in accor-
dance with MIL-STD-781 and AR-34. Qualification
Phase - Prior to the acceptance of
equipments under the contract or order, a minimum of three (3)
equipments shall be tested as outlined in MIL-STD-781, under the
s e c t i o n entitled "Qualification Phase of Production Reliability Tests".
The maximum number of equipments to be used shall be those listed
in Table 5 of MIL-STD-781. F o r the Qualification Phase, Test
Level E shall be used. T h e Accept-Reject Criteria for Test Plan H
shall be used. Reliability Production Acceptance Phase Tests -
The equipment throughout production shall be tested as outlined in
MIL-STD-781 (as modified herein) under the section entitled
" P r o d u c t i o n Acceptance (Sampling) Phase of Production Reliability
T e s t s " , except that all equipments produced shall be tested. Test
Level E of MIL-STD-781 shall be used.
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