| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
4 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1 All Equipment Test - Each equipment produced
shall be tested for 50 hours. Prior to the 50 hour test on each equip-
ment, a burn-in period may be used at the option of the contractor.
If the burn-in period is to be used the details thereof must be included
i n the approved test procedures. To determine whether the MTBF
is being met at any time during the contract the operating test hours
and failures thereon (not counting burn-in failures or burn-in
o p e r a t i n g time) shall be totaled and the results compared with the
reject ine of Test Plan II of MIL-STD-781. (Extend the line as
n e c e s s a r y to accommodate the data.) These totals shall accumulate
s o that at any one time the experience from the beginning of the
c o n t r a c t is included. At the conclusion of each month the test re-
s u l t s shall be sent to the procuring activity and to the Naval Air
S y s t e m s Command, Attention: Avionics Division. At any time that
the current totals of test hours and test failures plotted on Test Plan
II curves show a reject situation, the procuring activity reserves the right to stop the ac-
n o t i f i e d . The procuring activity reserves the right to stop the ac-
c e p t a n c e of equipment at any time that a reject situation exists
p e n d i n g a review of the contractor's efforts to improve the equip-
ment, the equipment parts, the equipment workmanship, etc.,
so that the entire compilation will show other than a reject decision.
4 . 4 . 4 S p e c i a l T e s t s - Special tests shall be conducted for
the purpose of checking the effect of any design or material change
on the performance of ihe equipment and to assure adequate quality
c o n t r o l . The equipment selected for special tests may be selected
f r o m equipments previously subjected to the sampling or reliability
a s s u r a n c e tests.
S p e c i a l Test Schedule - Selection of equipments
for special tests shall be made as follows:
(1) On an early equipment after an engineering
o r material change.
(2) Whenever failure reports or other informa-
tion indicate additional tests are required.
(This will be determined by the procuring
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