| ![]() MIL-N-85005A(AS)
(b) Any screening of non-repairable subassemblies
shall be done on complete assemblies so as to
include screening of the assembly operations.
(c) When previously produced models of this equip-
ment did not use non-repairable subassemblies,
the design shall not be changed to employ non-
repairable subassemblies without the approval
of the procuring activity.
(d) Non-repairable assemblies shall be considered
non-standard parts.
Non-standard Parts and Materials Approval - Non-standard
parts and materials which have been approved for use by the procuring
activity in other military equipment shall be considered approved for
use in this equipment. When non-standard parts or materials not pre-
viously approved are used, approval for use shall be obtained. Approval
for the use of non-standard parts and materials (including electron
tubes, transistors, and diodes) other than microelectronic devices shall
be obtained as outlined in Specification MIL-STD-749 (Part 1 and 2
data). Microelectronic devices shall be approved in general in accordance
with AR-5 and this specification. The vendor shall certify that all
non-standard microelectronic devices shall have been subjected to
MIL-STD-883, Group B and C testing, per generic families as a mini-mum.
Modules - The electronic portions of the equipment shall
be functionally modularized in accordance with Specification AR-10.
Design and Construction - The equipment shall conform
with all the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-E-5400 for
design, construction, and workmanship, except as otherwise specified
herein. Copper cladding on internal layers of multilayer printed wiring
boards shall be one ounce per square foot, minimum.
Electronic assemblies previously produced to an earlier
issue of MIL-E-5400 need not be re-designed.
The requirement of MIL-P-55640 for continuous solder plug
filling of the interracial plated-through holes of printed wiring boards
shall not apply.
The following exceptions to the requirements of MIL-STD-275
for printed wiring boards shall apply:
References are to Paragraph Numbers of MIL-STD-275.
It shall be permissible to use separate
(1) 4.2
hole chart drawings and artwork drawings
of different sizes so as to take advantage
of automated and electronic data processing
techniques. The separate drawings shall
be referenced on the printed wiring board
detail drawing.
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