| ![]() MIL-N-85005A(AS)
Performance - Unless otherwise specified, values set
forth to establish requirements of satisfactory performance apply to
performance under both standard and service conditions. When reduced
performance under service conditions is acceptable, tolerances or
variances from performance under service conditions will be specified.
System Definition - The Set shall consist of those items
of Paragraph 1.2. The system shall operate in conjunction with the
associated P-3/B aircraft equipment listed in Paragraph 6.8. A functional
block diagram of the system and the associated equipment is shown in
Figure 1 including the items indicated in dashed outline. These items
are included to show aircraft system integration, although the items are
not directly interfaced with the system defined by this specification.
The system shall provide for distribution of analog outputs to associated
equipment as shown in Figure 2 when interconnected as shown.
Hardware - The Signal Data Converter (SDC) converts
input analog signals from external equipments into digital data for
processing by the Navigation Computer (NC). The SDC also provides
conversion from digital to resolver and synchro outputs, level shifting
of input pulse trains and discretes, light and logic power to external
equipments, conversion of input signals from the OR-90/ARN-99(V)1 Omega
Receiver Converter from parallel to serial digital data, and provides
the interface with the Gyroscope Assembly accelerometer outputs and
gyroscope torquing inputs. The SDC also provides a resolver to synchro
buffer that provides the interface between the CN-1231/ASN-84 Gyroscope
Assembly and the MX-6985/ASN-50 Compass Adapter Compensator. The SDC
contains interfaces to interconnect the AN/AQA-7(V) Sonar Computer-
Recorder Group (Difar), the C-7617/ARR-72 Dual Channel Control Indicator,
the ITADS, the Marker Plotter Controller, and the CN-1231/ASN-84 Gyroscope
Assembly with the NC.
The Navigation Computer contains the memory and logic
controls required for performing arithmetic operations, contains serial
digital input and output channels and input and output discretes under
program control. It also interfaces directly with the Keyer Control.
The Converter-Interface interfaces with the IP886B/ASA-66
Data Display. The front panel contains DIFAR data controls and
and a panel which. is illuminated to display the status of
markers. The chassis contains the electronics to interface
with the
computer subsystem and the AN/APS-80 Search Radar.
The Tactical Display Control contains the Trackball controls,
a Marker Control keyset, and additional controls and indicators related
to the display of tactical data.
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