| ![]() MIL-N-85005A(AS)
Hook Control Trackball - The Trackball Control shall be
similar to Orbit Instrument Corp. Part No. 55751. Direction sensing of the
ball outputs shall be in the normal X-Y coordinate directions. One
revolution of the ball in either direction of X or Y shall produce 480 10%
pulses. When no rotation of the ball occurs, regardless of the ball position,
there shall be no pulses output in X or Y. When the ball is rotated in the
+ direction in X or Y, the + output pair of lines shall contain pulses while
the - output pair shall not contain pulses, and conversely with opposite
Readouts - The TDC shall contain the following indicators.
Marker Control Indicator - The EDIT/MESSAGE indicator
shall be a numeric readout consisting of three digits, each a seven segment
LED display. Control of this readout shall be from the EDIT/MESSAGE portion
of the SCALE/MESS/EDIT word from the computer during normal operation.
Hook Control Indicator - The BEARING DEGREES indicator
shall be a numeric readout consisting of three digits, each a seven segment
LED display. Display shall be normally controlled by the Bearing portion
of the HOOK Readout word from the computer. It shall be located above the
Trackball and to the left of the RANGE/BIAS readout.
The RANGE/BIAS numeric indicator shall consist of five
digits, each a seven segment LED display with a decimal between the units
and tens digit. The digit control shall be from the Range portion of the
Hook Readout word from the computer. The decimal shall be illuminated when
the scale indicator control portion of the SCALE/MESS/EDIT word from the
computer is coded MILES. This readout shall be located above the Trackball
and to the right of the BEARING DEGREES readout.
The YDS NM YPM indicators shall be a group of three
lamps located above the FLANGE/BIAS readout that shall illuminate in
accordance with the Scale Indicator control portion of the SCALE/MESS/EDIT
word from the computer.
Range Scale Indicator - The NM readout shall be a
four digit, seven segment LED display that shall be normally controlled by
the Scale Display portion of the SCALE/MESS/EDIT word from the computer. It
shall be located above the RANGE SCALE PBI's.
Panel Illumination - An integrally illuminated infor-
mation panel is not required. All LED readout indicators shall be capable
of being dimmed from the LED-INTENSITY control on the Converter (Figure 21).
The PBI's shall be capable of being dimmed by the external control for the
edge-lit panel of the Converter.
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