| MIL-O-8114B(OS)
6C4WA filament in the test circuit shall meet the following requirements:
4.4.3 .1.1.1 No-load voltage: With no-load the voltage shall not ex-
ceed minus 7.5 volts direct current (vdc).
Filament current shall be 0.15 ampere. Current: Voltage: Under a load current of 0.15 ampere the voltage
shall be 6.3 plus or minus 0.1 vdc. Internal impedance: The impedance which the power source
presents to the filament at a load current of 0.15 ampere shall not ex-
ceed 3000 ohms at a frequency of 53 kiloHertz (KHz) Alternating current (at) voltage components: Under a load
current of 0.15 ampere, the ac volage components shall not exceed the
(a) 30 Hz to 150 KHz; 0.09 volts root-mean-square (rms)
(b) 50 KHz to 56 KHz; 40 microvolt rms Plate power: The electrical power used to operate the
6CWA pate in the oscillator test circuit shall meet the following
requirement 6: no-load voltage:
With no load the voltage shall not
exceed 3.65 vdc. Current: Plate current shall be 4 millampers (ma). Voltage: Under a load current of 4 ma the voltage shall
be 150 plus or minus 1 vdc. Internal impedance: The impedance which the power source
presents to the test circuit at 8 load current of 4 ma shall not exceed
5 ohms Et 53 KHz AC voltage components: Under a load current of 4 ma, the
ac voltage components shall not exceed the following:
(a) 30 Hz to 150 KHz; 0.2 volts rms.
(b) 50 KHz to 56 KHz; 20 microvolts rms. Electronic counter:
Hewlett-Packard Model 523C, or equivalent. Electronic voltmeter with probe having a 7.5 picofarad or less
input capacitance and an output jack for connecting it to the electronic
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