| ![]() MIL-O-8114B(OS)
(b) pin 2 to ground; 7.5 plus or minus 0.5
(c) pin 6 to ground; 2.0 plus or minus 0.5
(d) pin 7 to ground; 3.0 plus or minus 0.5
Leads-Northrup, Type S, Test Set No. Resistance bridge:
5300, or equivalent. Connectors, test leads, and small tools as required.
John Fluke Model 710-A, or equivalent. Impedance bridge:
McIntosh Model 75, or equivalent. Power amplifier:
4.4.4 Test procedure. The following tests constitute the quality con-
f ormance e tests for the oscillator: Unless otherwise specified, all performance tests shall be
conducted with the test equipment given in 4.4.3 and shall accurately
follow the test procedure of 4.4. Preparation for tests. Connect the power supply (
electronic counter voltmeter (, insulation tester
analyzer (, oscilloscope ( and dielec-
(, wave
tric tester ( to the power source ( Set the power
switches of these instruments to ON and allow them to warm up for the
time necessary to stabilize. Dielectric strength. To measure the dielectric strength as
specified in 3.4.5: Connect the dielectric tester to pin 1 and the case of the
oscillator and apply 200 vrms at 60 Hz for one minute. There shall be
no evidence of breakdown. Repeat for each remaining pin (pins 2, 3, 6, and 7).
of the! oscillator. Insulation' resistance.
To measure the insulation resistance
as specified in 3.4.6: Disconnect the diaelectric tester Leads and connect the in-
sulation tester to pin 1 and the case of the oscillator. Apply 100 vdc
test potential for two minutes and then measure the insulation resistance
at this teat potential. The Insulation resistance shall be not less than
10,000 megohms.
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