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3.6.1 .2.3.1 Impeller machining and inspection drawing. Detail drawings
shall explicitly require that each impeller, including spare and replacement
impellers, be dynamically balanced to less than the maximum ounce-inch residual
imbalance allowed by MIL-STD-167-1 (type II) for the impeller's weight and
rotational speed.  For submarine pumps, the impeller detail drawing shall: (a)
show the dimensions and shape of the discharge vane tip, including any under-
filing or over-filing details, (b) specify sufficient dimensions and tolerance,
to be recommended and justified by the manufacturer, to prevent significant
impellerto-impeller variation in required net positive suction head due to
manufacturing variations including casting variations.  Significant variation
is defined as that which would be large enough to cause a spare or replacement
impeller to not pass the net positive suction head test of 4.6.3(b) if such
impeller were to be tested and (c) explicitly require that each impeller,
including spare and replacement impellers, be inspected and comply with the
above dimensions and tolerances.
3.6.1 .2.3.2 Drawings showing the application of studs requiring the use of
a locking resin shall have a notation requiring:  (a) manufacturer's recommenda-
tion regarding the use of primer, (b) manufacturer's recommended primer, and (c)
the minimum and maximum waiting times associated with the use of the primer and
resin.  The. notation shall require strict adherence to these requirements.
3.6. Drawings that include springs, such as for some mechanical
seals and labyrinth seals, shall:
State the number of coils, the coil diameter, the wire diameter,
the material, the free length, the solid length, the nominal
working length, the working length force and the plus and minus
tolerance on that force.
Include a requirement that quality control testing be done on
production springs to ensure the springs return to their original
length after being fully compressed and to ensure the force at
working length is within tolerance.  The drawing shall identify
the sampling plan and the acceptance criteria.
3.6.1 .2.4 Outline drawings and certification data.
3.6.1 .2.4.1 Outline drawings and certification data shall be in the form of
supplemental drawings to all sectional assemblies and detail.  Separate outline
drawings, drawing lists, and certification data shall be furnished under each
contract or order unless the complete equipments covered by the outline drawing
and the referenced drawings are in fact identical in all respects.
3.6.1 .2.4.2 The outline drawings in addition to the certification data
required by DOD-D-1000 shall contain the following:
(a) Dimensional outline assembly drawing of the pump with its prime
mover, bedplate and attached auxiliaries.
(b) Complete performance data of pump, prime mover, and attached
auxiliaries, if applicable.
(c) Complete equipment performance curves, based on actual tests
(the original submission may show design performance curves
vice test curves).  The serial number of the unit whose test
results are shown shall be written on the curve, unless the

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