| MIL-P-17639F(SH)
curve is predicted, in which case "predicted" shall be written
The actual test data shall be that of the first performance
tested unit which 4.6.3 requires be used as the head repeata-
bility acceptance criteria basis for fellow units.
Weights of major sub-assemblies over 50 pounds, e.g., rotor,
upper half-casing, impeller and the weight of the complete
unit including driver, dry and in operating condition.
Shipbuilder's connections showing size, type and dimensions of
Center of gravity of the pump component and of the complete
Radii of gyration of complete assembly about each of the three
principal axes.
Identification of system in which installed.
Critical speed.
Maximum thrust loads.
Endurance tests, high-impact shock tests and nondestructive test
(if performed) and the design review agency letters approving
these reports or extension of any tests.
Overall dimensions of the complete unit including locating of al
fittings and connections, the space required for removal and
replacement of parts for maintenance, and mounting information.
The certification by the mechanical seal manufacturer required b
The following dimensions, which are related to interchangeabilit
of pumps and drivers as a unit. The drawing shall include a
tolerance for each of these dimensions. Each dimension shall
also be shown with the same value and tolerance on the detail
drawing for the part:
For support feet or other support connections between the
ship and the pump and driver unit: The X, Y, and Z dimen-
sions, or three dimensions in another suitable coordinate
system, locating the feet and any bolt holes in the feet.
For all piping connections: The X, Y, and Z dimensions, or
three dimensions in another suitable coordinate system,
locating the point of intersection between the axis of the
connection and the face of connection, such as a flange fa
The dimensions shall be referenced to the same surfaces to
which the support feet are referenced, either directly or
via other tolerance dimensions.
For all flanged piping connections:
The diameter of the bolt circle and the concentricity o
that circle relative to the axis of the connection.
The angular location of each bolt hole with respect to
some reference line shown on the drawing, Even if the
angle to the reference line is O to 90 degrees, that
number shall be stated with a tolerance. It is
acceptable to locate only one bolt hole relative to th
reference line and to state the remaining holes are
equally spaced as long as a tolerance is specified on
the equalness of the spacing.
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