| ![]() MIL-P-17869A(SHIPS) Wear plates. - Class IV pumps and motors designed for high
pressure operation shall have wear plates on the faces of gears to compensate
for wear, Gears shall be cut and hardened to provide for long, efficient life. Axial thrust balance. - Design shall include an arrangement for
hydraulically balancing the pump or motor element to minimize axial thrust
where the pump or motor is used for high pressure service.
3.4.4 Class V. - Working pressure. - Class V pumps shall be suitable for continuous
working pressures up to and including 3,000 p. psi. Intermittent operation at
working pressure shall be possible (see 6.3). Efficiency. - Volumetric efficiency shall be at least 60 percent
and mechanical efficiency at least 50 percent when operating at design working
pressure, rated speed, and using the specified hydraulic oil at
oil temperatures (see 3.3.13), efficienies shall not drop more than 10 percent, Pump element. - The pump shall consist of a power rotor that
moves the oil and idle rotors for sealing purposes,
3 . 4 . 4 . 4 S e a l . - The seal on the output shaft shall be a mechanical type,
The leakage shall not exceed 10 drops per hour, at 30 p.s.i. case pressure
after initial break-in period, when the pump is operated at design capacity. Axial thrust bearing. - Design shall include an arrangement for
hydraulically balancing the pump or motor element to minimize axial thrust
where the pump is used for high pressure service. Material. - Materials having an elongation of less than 5 percent
in a 2 inch sample will not be acceptable for class V pumps, Hydraulic fluid. - Hydraulic fluid in accordance with Specifica-
tion MIL-L- 17331 shall be applicable for class V pumps with design pressures
a 1500 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.). Below design pressures of
2075 in accordance with Specifica-
1,500 p.s.i., Military symbol
tion MIL-15017 shall be applicable. Noise. - The class V pump is primarily designed for use in
submarine hydraulic systems and therefore a low noise output of the pump
should be a major design consideration.
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