| ![]() MIL-P-17869A(SHIPS)
3.8 Technical manuals. - Type C technical manuals as defined in Speci-
fication MIL-T- 15071 shall be furnished. Where appropriate, the manuals may
be prepared for insertion as a section of another book which may describe
machinery that includes the pum P or motor as a sub-corn ponent. The technical
manual shall also include an exploded view of the pump or motor.
4.1 Inspection reports, - The Government inspector shall furnish the
bureau or agency concerne d with inspection reports covering results of group C
tests only (see 4.2. 4) unless otherwise specified (see 6. 1).
4.2 Sampling for lot acceptance. -
4.2.1 Lot definition. - For sampling purposes, a lot shall consist of all
pumps or motors of the same class and size offered for delivery at one time.
4.2.2 Sampling for group A tests. - A random sample of pumps Or motors
shall be selected in accordance with table I from each inspection lot by the
Government inspector and shall be subjected to each of the group A tests speci-
fied in 4.3.1 with lot acceptance based on the following sampling requirements
in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105:
Table I - Sampling for group A tests
AQL (approx.) = 1, 5 percent defective,
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