| ![]() MIL-P-17869A(SHIPS)
4.3 Lot acceptance tests. -
4.3.1 Group A tests. - Each of the sample pumps or motors selected in
accordance w ith table I shal l be subjected to each of the following tests which
shall be conducted or witnessed by the Government inspector, and the results
of each test compared with this specification. Failure to conform to this speci-
fication for any group A test shall be counted as a defect and the pump or m otor
shall be rejected. If the number of such nonconforming pumps or motors in any
sample exceeds the acceptance num ber for that sample, the lot represented by
`the sample shall be rejected. Rejected lots may be offered again for Govern-
ment inspection tests provided all pumps or motors in the lot have been retested
by the contractor for test(s) causing rejection and all noncompliance corrected.
Group A tests
4.10, 1
Visual inspection
Noise (by ear)
Vibration (by touch)
Minim um constant speed
4. 10.16
(hydraulic motors only)
4.3.2 Group B tests. - Each of the sample pumps or motors selected in
accordance with table shall be subjected to each of the following tests which
shall be conducted or witnessed by the Government inspector, and the results
of each test compared with this specification. Failure to conform to this speci-
fication for any group B test shall be counted as a defect and the pumps or motors
shall be rejected. If the number of such nonconforming pumps or motors in any
sample exceeds the acceptance number for that sample, the lot represented by
the sample shall ne rejected. Rejected lots may be offered again for Government
inspection tests provided all pumps or motors in the lot have been retested by the
contractor for the test (s) causing rejection and all noncompliance corrected
Group B tests
Load and efficiency
4. 10.5
Volumetric efficiency
Stroke control effort
(variable pumps)
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