| ![]() MIL-P-17869A(SHIPS)
4.3.3 Group C tests. - Each of the sample pumps or motors selected in
accordance with table III shall be subjected to each of the following tests and
the results of each test compared with this specification. In the event of any
failure to conform to this specificati on for any group C test the contractor shall
correct the cause of failure on future production units and repair the deficiency
in any pumps or motors not yet shipped. Shock tests may be waived for pumps
or motors where identical pumps or motors have been successfully shock-tested,
Where the shock tests have taken place, the manufacturer shall submit a copy
or the test report before waiver of the shock test will be given:
Group C tests
Vibration and noise
Time constant (hydraulic
motors only)
4.4 Classification of tests. - Inspection and testing of hydraulic pumps
and m otors for Naval shipboard use shall be classified as follows:
(a) Qualification tests (see 4.12).
(b) Inspection tests - Tests performed on pumps and motors
manufactured and submitted for acceptance under a
contract or order. Inspection tests and frequency of
such tests shall be as specified in 4.3.
4.5 Test nomenclature and definitions. - Definitions of test terms and
nomenclature to be used are as follows:
(a) Designed working pressure is the nominal pressure
rating assigned by the manufacturer of the equip-
m ent for continuous service.
(b) Maxim um designed pressure is the pressure permitted
for in term inttently applied loads (normally 150 percent
of designed working pressure).
(c) Base r.p.m. is the designed r.p.m. of the pump or motor.
(d) Actual r.p.m. is the r.p.m. at which the test is actually
(e) C o r r e c t e d g a l l o n s p e r m i n u t e ( g . p . m . ) i s t h e r a t e o f
discharge during the test as referred to the base r.p.m.
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