| ![]() MIL-P-17889A(SHIPS)
4.8 Technical data required. - Test data shall be furnished the bureau or
agency concerned w hich shall present graphically, the following data: (Omit
items not applicable.)
(a) Mechanical and volumetric efficiency on a discharge
pressure base for runs at 25, 50; 75, 100 and 150 per-
cent of the maxim um designed normal working pressure
and where applicable, at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full stroke on
each side of neutral for each pressure.
(b) Horsepower input on the discharge pressure base using
torquemeter readings and speed in r.p.m. for runs as
specified in 4.8 (a).
(c) Horsepower output on a discharge pressure base for runs
as specified in 4.8 (a).
(d) Torque output of the hydraulic motor on a pump discharge
pressure base for runs as specified in 4.8 (a).
(e) Fluid flow in g. p.m. for discharge pressures of 25, 50,
75, 100 and 150 percent of maxim um designed normal
working pressure.
(f.) Effort required to set pump on stroke shown on a pressure
to designed normal working pressure for 1/4,
1/2, 3/4 and full stroke on each side of neutral. Time
cons um ed in arriving at the various points shall be indi-
cated on these curves.
(9) Time to accelerate hydraulic motor to maxim um inter-
mittent speed on a speed base.
(h) Percent of pump pulsation on a pressure base.
(i) Noise and vibration spectra.
4.9 Technical report required. - The bureau or agency concerned shall
be furnished a written report along with the data and information as specified
in 4.7 and 4.8 which shall contain the following:
Temperature of suction oil during test.
Type of oil used - Military symbol.
Description of circuit used during test.
Performance during 30 degree inclination of
test unit.
(e) Minim urn steady speed and time constant for hydraulic
(f) Performance during hot and cold oil tests. Items such
as effi ciency, lubrication, time to start shall be included.
(g) Statement as appropriate, on status of noise and vibration.
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