| ![]() MIL-P- 17869A (SHIPS)
4.10.7 Stroke control effort (variable delivery pumps only). - The base
pump shall be tested to determ ine the effort required to manually move the
stroke adjusting mechanism from zero to full stroke on each side of neutral
when working at pressure at 25 50, 75 and 100 percent of the designed work-
ing "pressure. Note data as specified in 4.8.
4.10.8 Lubrication (no-stroke)test (class I and II pumps only). - Operate
pump for 30 minutes continuously at no stroke position. and designed dive speed
during which time no oil shall be pumped and the head of oil of the suction port
shall not exceed 5 feet. At 5- minute intervals during this test the pump shall
be brought to a full stop and im mediately restarted. Note applicable data as
specified in 4.9.
4.10.9 Inclination test. - Rotate the pump or motor 30 degrees clock-
wise around its vertica axis and operate at full volume and designed working
pressure for 10 minutes Repeat for counterclockwise direction_. Note appli-
cable data as specified in 4. 9.
4.10.10 Pulsation test. - The pum p shall be operated at full volume and
25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of designed working pressure for 10 minutes at each
setting. Using the manufacturer 's designed working pressure as a mean and
appropriate measuring devices, measure the average pressure deviation from
mean at 2-minute intervals. Oil for this test shall be deaerated to the maximum
practical extent. Report data as specified in 4.8. Measuring device pickup shall
be located in the high pressure line at a distance 3 feet from the pump.
4.10.11 Cold oil test. - The oil used for this test and the test unit shall be
so that the oil entering the suction side of
subjected to a temperature of
the unit will be mainted at this temperature for the duration of the test. Start
designed capacity, Operate in this manner for
10 minutes. Note and record data as specified in 4.9 (f) at 5 minute intervals.
4.10.12 Hot oil test. - The oil used for this test snail be subjected to
so that the oil entering the suction side of the test unit
a tem perature of
will be maintained at this temperature for the duration of the test. Start and
load test unit gradually to designed capacity. Operate in this manner for
10 minutes. Note and record data as specified in 4.9 (f) at 5 minute intervals.
4.10.13 Vibration and noise test. - The test of acceptability for class I, II and III pumps and motors
from a vibration and noise standpoint shall be vibration and noise not in excess
operated under similar controls of the same class
of that from pumps and
and size produced by com petitive manufacturers and successful conclusion of all
applicable tests required
this specification.
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