| ![]() MIL- P- 17869A(SHIPS) Class IV and V pumps and motors shall meet the vibration and
noise requirements of
4.10.14 Endurance test. - Variable delivery pumps. - Operate at designed working pressure
and at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full stroke for 24 hours at each setting. During opera-
tion at each setting the pump shall be cycled from one side of neutral to the
other every 15 minutes (four cycles per hour). Note items such as mechanical
and volumetric efficiency, noise, vibration and oil tern perature at start of test,
at one-hour Intervals during test and at end of test. Report as specified in 4.9.
4.10.15 Time constant test (hydraulic motors only). - From a stand-still,
accelerate hydr aulic motor less external load to maximum intermittent speed,
Repeat 3 times. Report as specified in 4.8,
4.10.17 Shock test. - The pump and motor or both shall be subjected to a
type A high-impact shock test in accordance with Specification MIL-S-901.
During the test the unit shall be operated at designed working pressure. The
unit shall be mounted on the table of the shock machine, using fitted foundation
bolts. Mounting shall simulate shipboard conditions insofar as practicable,
Report as specified in 4,9.
4.11 Rejection. - Items which shall be considered as cause for rejection
after tests as specified in 4.3 are summarized as follows:
(a) Imperfections such as misalignment, poor painting or
other corrosion protection and any deviation from this
specification as revealed by visual inspection (see 4.10.1).
(b) Unusual noise or vibration by comparison with other pumps
or motors in the inspection lot (see 4.10.2 and 4.10.3).
(c) Failure to meet efficiency requirements (see,, and 4.10.4).
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