| ![]() MIL-P-18547A(SHIPS) No instruments containing mercury shall be used in the manufacture or testing of any equipment
destined for installation on a nuclear powered ship. This point shall be covered in the manufacturer's quality
control manual. Test reports shall contain a certification, signed by a responsible official of the manufacturer
that no mercury containing instruments have been used in the manufacture or testing of the equipment.
4.3 Inspection of material. -
4.3.1 Materials used in the pumps and accessories and identified on approved drawings by Federal and
Military specifications listed in table II of 6.2, or elsewhere in this specification, shall be subjected to inspec-
tion requirements of the applicable specification by which identified.
4.3.2 Materials used in the pumps and accessories which are identified on approved drawings by Industry
and Technical Society specifications or standards shall be subjected to inspection requirements of the applica-
ble specification or standard by which identified.
4.3.3 The contractor shall establish a system of inspection and identification to insure that specified and
approved materials are used in accordance with approved drawings. Upon request of the Government inspector, the contractor shall furnish samples of materials and
available information concerning their quality and use. When the identity or quality of an item is in doubt, and
in the absence of valid and acceptable test data, the contractor shall conduct such tests as are necessary to
determine or verify its identity or quality.
4.4 Classification of tests. -
(a) Qualification tests (see 4.5).
(1) Performance tests (see 4.5.1).
(2) Life test (see
(b) Preproduction tests.
(1) Performance tests (see 4.7.1).
(2) Endurance test (see 4.6.3).
(3) Shock tests (see 4.7.2).
(4) Vibration tests (see 4.7.3).
(5) Noise tests (see 4.7.4).
(6) Inclined operation tests (see 4.7.5).
(c) Production tests (see 4.7).
(1) Performance tests (see 4.7.1).
(2) Shock tests (see 4.7.2).
(3) Vibration tests (see 4.7.3).
(4) Noise tests (see 4.7.4).
(5) Inclined operation tests (see 4.7.5).
(6) Routine tests:
a. Hydrostatic tests (see 4.8.5).
b. Silver-brazed joint tests (see 4.8.6).
4.5 Qualification tests (not applicable to class CO-1 pumps) .- Qualification tests shall be conducted at
a laboratory satisfactory to the Bureau of Ships. Qualification tests are required on each type of pump. Sepa-
rate qualification tests are required on vertical and on horizontal units of each type of pump. Qualification
tests shall consist of all the tests specified in 4.5.4.
4.5.1 The qualification tests shall be conducted to determine that performance and design of the pumps
are in compliance with this specification. Minor deviations in materials may be allowed in the pumps at the
discretion of the Bureau of Ships. The pressure, capacity, and other characteristics of units for qualification
tests shall be as arranged between the Bureau of Ships and the exhibitor. The units shall have Characteristic
ratings of not less than the following:
Rated capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..200 g.p.m.
Discharge pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..50 p.s.i.
Suction lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 inches mercury (Hg) at 500 SSU
for Qualification tests shall be made in accordance with "Provisions Governing Qualification"
(see 6.4 and 6.5).
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