| ![]() MIL-P-18682D(SH) Drawings that include springs, such as for some mechanical
seals and labyrinth seals, shall:
State the number of coils, the coil diameter, the wire diameter,
the material, the free length, the solid length, the nominal
working length, the working length force and the plus and minus
tolerance on that force.
Include a requirement that quality control testing be done on
production springs to ensure the springs return to their original
length after being fully compressed and to ensure the force at
working length is within tolerance. The drawing shall identify
the sampling plan and the acceptance criteria.
Outline drawings and certification data. Outline drawings and certification data shall be in the form of
supplemental drawings to all sectional assemblies and detail. Separate outline
drawings, drawing lists, and certification data shall be furnished under each
contract or order unless the complete equipments covered by the outline drawing
and the referenced drawings are in fact identical in all respects. The outline drawings in addition to the certification data
required by DOD-D-1000 shall contain the following:
Dimensional outline assembly drawing of the pump with its prime
mover, bedplate and attached auxiliaries.
Complete performance data of pump, prime mover, and attached
auxiliaries , if applicable.
Complete equipment performance curves, based on actual tests
(the original submission may show design performance curves
vice test curves). The serial number of the unit whose tests
results are shown shall be written on the curve, unless the
curve is predicted, in which case "Predicted" shall be written.
The actual test data shall be that of the first performance
tested unit, which 4.6.3 requires be used as the head repeati-
bility acceptance criteria basis for the following units.
Weights of major sub-assemblies over 50 pounds, e.g., rotor,
upper half-casing, impeller and the weight of the complete
unit including driver, dry and in operating condition.
Shipbuilder's connections showing size, type and dimensions of
Center of gravity of the pump component and of the complete
Radii of gyration of complete assembly about each of the three
principal axes.
Identification of system in which installed.
Critical speed.
Maximum thrust loads.
Endurance tests, high-impact shock tests and nondestructive tests
(if performed) and the design review agency letters approving
these reports or extension of any tests.
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