| MIL-P-18714D
6.5 Safety precautions. The safety precaution requirements of the "Contractors' Safety Manual for
Ammunition, Explosives, and Related Dangerous Material" (DOD 4145.26M) are applicable and should be
specified in the contract or order as required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 23.3. NOTE: When
this specification is used as part of the description of work to be accomplished by a Government activity, the
safety precaution requirements of "Ammunition and Explosives Ashore" (OP 5) should be made applicable.
6.6 Test procedures and reporting. For Navy acquisitions, the contracting activity should include in each
work authorization for first article and quality conformance inspections, the requirement for the preparation
and forwarding to the activities listed below of all test and examination procedures prior to performance of
any inspection. The work authorization should also include the requirement for the forwarding of all test data
in an intelligible form to the activities listed below within five working days of the completion of the tests.
(Code 4025)
300 Highway 361
(Attn: Code 6210)
Crane, IN 47522-5001
101 Strauss Ave.
Indian Head, MD 20640-1035
6.7 Definitions.
6.7.1 Misfire. Misfire is the failure of the main black powder charge of the primer to ignite when the primer
is subjected to the appropriate firing source.
6.7.2 Blowback. Blowback is gas leakage around or through the stock end of the primer and is verified by
observance during firing or by visual evidence of residue after firing.
6.8 Subject term (key word) listing.
Black powder
Propelling charge
6.9 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect
to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes.
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