| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS)
3.3.11.-2 Unless otherwise specified in the contractor order, all pumps shall
be fitted on the discharge side with relief valves, of size and setting approved by
the bureau or agency concerned. The relief valve shall be externally adjustable
and of such size that it will pass the full rated capacity of the pump with a pressure
rise of not more than 10 percent over the rated discharge pressure. The relief valve shall be installed within the pump casing. The valves
shall be of such a design that leakage of oil from the spring case or leakage of air
into the discharge side of the valve is prevented.
3.3.12 Casing and heads. - Casings, also referred to as cylinders, are those parts which enclose
the rotors. The bores of the casings are parallel to the rotors. Casing liners, also referred to as rotor housings, are replaceable
parts located between the casing be and the rotors. Casing liners, or casings if not fitted with liners, are wearing
parts (see 3.9.2. 1). Casings shall be made as light as possible consistent with strength
and shall be ribbed and braced on the outside as necessary to give stiffness and
rigidity under the working pressure. The interiors shall be smooth cored with easy
bends wherever the direction of flow is changed. It is preferred that pump casings for pumps having a capacity of
50 gallons per minute or more be equipped with easily removable liners. However,
cons ideration will be given to pum ps not having this feature. Either liners or
casings shall be supplied as repair parts as specified in 3.9 covering wearing parts. Suction and discharge openings shall be cast integral with the casings
or heads, shall have machined and scraped or ground flange faces suitable for metal
to metal joints, and shall be located as approved by the bureau or agency concerned. The heads shall have accurately machined faces with a ground or scraped
finish. Joints between casings and heads may be made up either metal to metal or
with a thin plant or animal fiber gasket not exceeding 0.010 inch in thickness. Heads
shall be rabbetted or doweled to the casings. Forcing bolts and lifting bolts shall be provided as necessary for con-
venient handling during overhaul.
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