| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS) One or more test lugs may be required to be cast integral with gun
metal castings in accordance with Specification MIL-M- 16576, at the discretion of
the bureau or agency concerned. When test lugs are required the bureau or agency
concerned will advise in its comments an working drawings as to the number, size
and location of the test lugs required.
3.3.13 Rotors and shafts, - All rotors shall be accurately finish machined or ground throughout.
They shall be integral with or secured to the shafts by keys or other method approved
by the bureau or agency concerned. Rotors shall be secured positively against
lateral displacem ent on shafts,
3. 3.13.2 Means shall be provided for the escape of the liquid pumped from all
points between rotors or gear teeth where it may be trapped during operation and
thereby create a dangerously high pressure. Means of entrapment relief shall be
satisfactory to the bureau or agency concerned. Deflector rings or other sim ilar method approved by the bureau or
agency concerned shall be used to prevent leakage from the stuffing boxes running
along the shafts. The use of felt seal rings only w ill not be permitted. If authorized
in combination with other methods, they shall be installed so they can be replaced
without dismantling the pump. Shafts shall have a minim urn hardness of 275 Brinell, and shall be
accurately machined and ground. Means shall be provided on the driven or driving
shaft of each unit so that a portable tachometer may be quickly and easily applied
or unless a revolution counter is permanently installed. Either the tachometer or
revolutions counter shall be of a type which is satisfactory to the bureau or agency
concerned. Provision for the use of tachometer will not be required on pumps
driven by alternating current motors.
- Timing gears may be of the spur or double helical type.
Timing gears of steel shall be case hardened to a minim urn depth of 0.0625 inch
and shal have a hardness of 575 to 700 Brinell. Gears shall be fully enclosed and
adequately lubricated. Tim ing gears shall be located so as to prevent either radial
or lateral movement. The method is to be approved by the bureau or agency con-
cerned. Provision shall be made for replacement of timing gears in the field,
so that it will be satisfactory to carry and replace individual parts of rotating ele-
ments. `he method of installing and tim ing the timing gears shall be thoroughly
explained, with sketches if necessary, in the technical manuals.
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