| ![]() MiL-P-19131(SHIPS)
3.7 Drawings. -
3.7.1 Drawings shall be in accordance with type I of Specification MIL-D-963.
3.7.2 Outline drawings of the units (pump and driver) shall be furnished on
each contract or order. Outline drawings of class O-2 and N-2 pumps shall
comprise two sheets. The first sheet shall contain all the information, except
performance curves, required by Specification MIL-D-963, to be shown on out-
line drawings. Completion and submission for final approval of the first sheet
shall-not be delayed by action required to complete the second sheet. The second sheet shall contain complete performance curves. These
curves shall be the performance acceptance tests curves required by 4. 3.5 and
4.3.6. The curves shall be on graphs which shall have dimensions approximately
but not greater than 7 inches by 10 inches. Each graph shall contain the data
required by 4.3.5. Promptly after completion of the performance acceptance
tests the second sheet shall be completed. After approval of the sheet of the outline drawing, which contains
the curves, four positive (white background) prints of each graph shall be for-
warded to the bureau or agency concerned. Each graph shall be on a sheet which
has the same dimensions as the sheets comprising the technical manuals
(see 3. 8). Each graph shall be arranged on a sheet in such manner that all infor-
mation shown thereon may be easily read after insertion, by the bureau or
agency concerned, in the technical manual. Reference to these curves shall not
be contained in the index or text of the manual. Delivery of the find manuals
shall not be delayed by actions required to complete and deliver to the bureau or
agency concerned the four sets of pages showing the performance acceptance test
3.7.3 Pump master drawings shall include detail drawings of all parts, and
sectional assembly drawings with lists of material comprising all parts. Detail drawings shall contain a number of details on each sheet;
details of a single pump part on size A sheets, resulting in a multiplicity of
drawing sheets, shall be avoided.
3.7. 3.2 The sectional assembly drawing shall contain a complete list of
material with references to detail drawings. The assembly drawing shall not
include couplings or brackets which may vary with different contracts or orders.
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