| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS) Any subassembly made up of parts which require special alignment
or assembly methods which cannot be disassembled, repaired and reassembled
onboard ship without the use of special tools and jigs shall be indicated as a'
subassembly in the list of material.
3.7.4 On detail drawings, surface roughness, waviness and lay shall be
specified in accordance with requirements and symbols specified in Stand-
ard MIL-STD-10.
3.7.5 Drawings for drivers and associated equipment shall be in accord-
ance with their respective specifications.
3.7.6 The center of gravity of the unit shall be indicated on outline draw-
3.8 Technical manuals. -
3.8.1 Technical manuals shall be in accordance with type C of Specifica-
tion MIL-T-15071.
3. 8.2 Identification piece numbers of parts referred to in technical manuals
shall be identical to the identification piece numbers shown on approved master
3.8.3 Technical manuals shall contain reproductions of dimensioned outline
drawings of all units.
3.8.4 Preliminary technical manuals submitted for approval shall include
all proposed sections of the books.
3.8.5 Two copies of technical manuals shall be packed with each pump unit.
Additional copies shall be furnished as specified (see 6. 1). If final technical
manuals are not available at the time pumps are shipped, then 2 copies of pre-
liminary technical manuals shall be packed with each pump unit. The final books
shall be delivered at a later time as specified in Specification MIL-T-1 5071.
3.9 Repair parts and tools. -
3.9.1 Onboard. - Repair parts shall be furnished and processed in accord-
ance with SpecificationMIL-R- 15137.
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